Herbs to Support
Heart Health & The Cardiovascular System
with Matthew Wood, MS & Phyllis D. Light, MA
From heart attacks to strokes, the cardiovascular system has long been a system of the body that has gotten our attention! The recent pandemic has also brought concerns to the fore.
Traditional Herbalism seeks to understand conditions in their energetic forms. For example, a traditional herbalist may ask and assess:
Phyllis will teach from her experience and traditions in Southern Folk Medicine.
How can we, as holistic practitioners, help balance the state of the body; or better yet, help the body to come back to homeostasis?
"We need to revise our view of the cardiovascular system, both in terms of how it works and what we can do to help it. The cardiovascular system operates as a whole unit, the circulation of the blood depending on many factors more than just the beat of the heart itself: the pulling power of the capillaries, the pressure back on the heart from the periphery and kidneys, the condition of the blood itself. I used to think of addressing the heart with herbs only in terms of cardio-specific remedies like hawthorn and cayenne, but now I appreciate the importance of herbs that act on tissues in a general way, like parsley, oak, rosemary, black walnut, and others."
- Matthew Wood
Get started upon registration with the prerequisite bonus class: Herbs & Congealed Blood.
Enjoy this enlightening series of classes with Matthew Wood, MS and Phyllis D. Light, MA.
This course will be added to the Library 6 months from the live, online class date.
Documents are not downloadable. Please note that Matthew often adds manuscripts of upcoming books and is allowing students early access to these works-in-progress; therefore, they are available as 'view-only' documents and are not downloadable.