Course Guide
Below is the recommended course track.
Students are welcome to begin any course at any time. This is also what will be required to complete the full Beginner and Intermediate tracks which we are still working to complete.
πΏΒ This course is in the Library
πΌ Community Herbalist trackΒ (I want to help my friends and family.)
π³ Clinical Herbalist track (I want to be a professional herbalist and get paid for what I offer.)
Certificate of Completion and Accreditation Hours information is available.
Students of All Levels
πΌπ³ Herbs A to Z - A monthly materia medica with Matthew Wood and special guests. Join the live online classes and/or enjoy many hours of recordings at your leisure.
Some courses may be beginner/intermediate. Please read the description and decide if it feels right for you.
πΌπ³πΏ Practical Herbalism from the Renaissance: A Voyage with Culpeper with Francis Bonaldo, LAc and Matthew Wood, MS - Be amazed by the man whose teachings and books have not only lasted over 2 centuries but continue to fascinate, amaze, and people with their herbal insights.
πΌπ³πΏ Herbal Medicine Making - Beginner to Advanced with Lori Rose, PhD - How to make a variety of herbal remedies from folk method tinctures to electuaries and the percolation method. Helping you feel confident about your herbal medicine making. Ready... set... go!
πΌπ³πΏ Herbal Dosages with Matthew Wood and Phyllis D. Light - Helping to answer the very common questions from students of all levels related to dosage, "How much of this herb should be used, how often, in what form, and what about for a special population?"
πΌπ³πΏ Ecological Herbalism with Susan Leopold, PhD - These classes offer an overview of the ecological problems and solutions facing the modern herbalist.
πΌπ³πΏ Lymphatic and Immune Systems - Beginner with Matthew Wood and Phyllis D. Light - The beginner classes focus on the Lymphatic system. "Today we also know that lymphatic system is the vehicle, so to speak, for the immune system and that treatment of the latter [immune] is not complete without familiarity with the former [lymph]."
πΌπ³πΏ Central Nervous System - Beginner with Matthew Wood and Phyllis D. Light - Herbs that support the nervous system.
πΌπΏ Botany for Herbalists with Jolie Elan and Matthew Wood - See plants through the eyes of a botanist.
πΌπ³πΏ Respiratory System and Respiratory Immunity with Matthew Wood and Phyllis D. Light - An overview of the entire respiratory system in the acute and chronic state.
πΌπ³πΏ Holistic Herbal Assessment Skills with Matthew Wood and Phyllis D. Light - Learn to set up the basics of a practice and how to conduct consultations (assessing a client, choosing herbs, and how to test, and select the herbs to suggest), and how to follow up with a client.
πΌπ³πΏ Herbal Tonics with Matthew Wood and Sean O'Donoghue - Providing perspective on the complex question of, "What is a tonic?"
πΌπ³πΏ Herb Walks with Matthew Wood - Needs no explanation
πΌπ³πΏ Body-types and Constitutions with Matthew Wood and Tara Baklund - Learn to observe clients and match them with plant remedies with the traditional skill of constitutional typing.
π³πΏ B12, Intrinsic Factor and Methylation with Phyllis D. Light, MA - Learn the ins and outs of vitamin B12, its role in methylation, energy, and how it affects anemia, memory and concentration, and the herbs and foods that can help to restore this vital nutrient to the body and improve absorption and function.
π³πΏ Lymphatic and Immune Systems - Intermediate with Matthew Wood and Phyllis D. Light - In this section, we move on more fully into consideration of the immune side of this twofold system.
πΌπ³πΏ Central Nervous System - Intermediate with Matthew Wood and Phyllis D. Light - Herbs that support the nervous system.
πΌπ³πΏ Holistic Pharmacology for Herbalists with Matthew Wood and Sean O'Donoghue - Scientific and Spiritual approaches complement each other...
πΌπ³πΏ Psychological Herbal AssessmentΒ with Matthew Wood and Sean O'Donoghue - One of the most loved classes at MWIH!
πΌπ³πΏ The Musculoskeletal System, Chronic Pain, and Lyme Disease with Matthew Wood - Learn more details by clicking the title above.
πΌπ³πΏ The Endocrine System with Matthew Wood - Learn more details by clicking the title above.
πΌπ³πΏ Tongue and Pulse Evaluation with Matthew Wood and Francis Bonaldo, LAc. - Pulse and Tongue evaluation dates back several thousand years and has been used by practitioners of Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine as a tool to help determine the condition of disease or health of an individual.
πΌπ³πΏ Intermediate Herbal Medicine Course with Matthew Wood - Directed towards a knowledge of tissue states and organ systems, especially the "master systems" in modern disease.
π³πΏ Pulse and Facial Assessment with Matthew Wood, Francis Bonaldo LAc, and Dawn Gates RN - Take your client assessment skills to a professional level! (This course is much more extensive than the one above.)
Classes you won't find anywhere else!
πΌπ³πΏ Animal Medicines with Matthew Wood, Amanda Nicole, and Chris McPadden - Expanding traditional herbalism from the traditional indigenous teachings with descendants of two American tribes.
πΏ Medical Astrology: Sun Signs with Judith Hill and Matthew Wood - Covering the health strengths and weaknesses of each sign, including the influences of the planets, lunar nodes, aspects, and houses.
πΏ The Language of Nature with Jolie Elan, MS - An introduction to the Gaian tongue.
πΏ The Intelligence of Nature with Jolie Elan, MS - Many indigenous cultures hold that the Earth is sentient and intelligent...
πΏ Astrological Medicine and Renaissance Herbalism with Judith Hill and Matthew Wood - Astrology and Herbalism come together and help you gain helpful perspective with obvious and especially the more challenging herbal consultation cases.
πΏ Real Spirit Journey with Matthew Wood and Jon Baklund - Amazing stories and practical teaching. Consciously connect with plants and people, and learn how to improve your intuition!
πΏ Shamanic Herbalism with Matthew Wood - An exploration of the relationship between the realm of shamanism and practices and traditional use of herbs.
πΏ Intuitive Development and Intuition: Developing Your Inner Resources with Matthew Wood and Jon Baklund - Two very different but complementary styles of training to help you develop your intuition and ability to tune into plants.
πΏ Seven Herbs: Plants as Teachers with Matthew Wood and Unchatwa - A fascinating conversation of the multiple-year journey one man took and the teachings he received with Matthew's "Seven Herbs: Plants as Teachers" book.
π³πΏ Homeopathy, Cell Salts, and Minerals with Matthew Wood< - Expanding the remedy kit and the mind with new concepts.
π³πΏ Cancer Journey with Matthew Wood and Mary Pat Palmer - A woman's experience of surviving cancer and the herbs that helped her along the way.
πΌπ³πΏ Plant Attunement with Amanda Nicole - It's time to get quiet and let the plants speak for themselves...
Books and Manuscripts by Matthew Wood
Seven Guideposts on the Spiritual Path by Matthew Wood
πΌπ³πΏ Library Extra Resources featuring Manuscripts by Matthew Wood - 1,000's of pages of to-be-published manuscripts by Matthew Wood the Library here... (not downloadable)